Editing Our Template Part 1

Editing Our Template Part 1

Everyone want a different & stylish blogger templates for his/her lovely blogs. Someone use magazine style templates another like to use simple templates. Templates is the main fact of visitors attraction.
I like my blogs templates & i customize this template. Blogger templates editing is simple work for blog designers. I use different way to editing this templates. Just Follow this blog for editing templates as like as me.

At First Download our Templates

 How to upload templates?

  • For upload this templates just Log On your blog
  • Then Template --> Backup/Restore
  • After Browse your downloaded templates

How to Change Templates Logo?

 To change your blogger templates logo just Log on your blog
Then Templates --> Edit Html

For Changing this templates logo you should find this link


  • You can add a logo in these link but logo size will be 376 PX by 97 PX. Otherwise Please Delete these following code

<a href=http://www.mybloggertricks.com/ style=display: block>
<img alt=My Blogger Tricks height=97px; id=Header1_headerimg src=https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiHNRBfLfpoyEokEsW9X-cQK3xzGK8dNaYiofarqB8t3dA-QDB-DWIePx71GKeak0MzfaukhcwFtF6oCH5xiHktDE5Vlc8UbAnbbWaZRwAV06UF7yr67N0alAp4_MDT6Dwtk2mgCzbyuDY/s1600/Logo.png style=display: block width=376px; />

  • After deleting code search this link


  •  Download this image & design a logo for your blog
  • You can use AAA Logo for logo designing
  • Then upload your logo image in your blog or any website then just copy your uploaded image link.
  • Then just replace your your logo image link



http://your logo image url.png

visit link download