

Fact is business accounting software developed by Vedica Company of Singapore 1987. In this software we will learn to create company, modify company and delete of company. We will also learn to create ledger and voucher entry of all transactions (accounting and inventory), when we entry the voucher, the software will make the final reports automatically. Fact accounting has also demo and full version. Full version is used for entry of actual transaction of the company and demo version is used to learn about the entry
Note default user manager
Password blank (no password)

Creating new company in fact
1. Open fact program with user name and password( user name �manager�, password(blank)
2. Click on new of account menu
3. Type initial
4. Type company name and other details
5. Choose ar/ap
6. Choose company sample
7. Click on save

Opening a Company
F Select Account
F Select Open
F Select the Company (Press Enter)
F User - Type user name (Manager) (Press Enter)
F O.K.

Modify of Company
F Select Account
F Select Modify
F Type initial or we can select from the list1)
F After modifying select Save (F

Deleting a Company
It is actually not equal to throwing a company out of the system but it is rather throwing a company from the list. If we really required deleting, we can delete by window system.
F Select Account
F Select Delete
F Select the Company
F Then O.K.

F Select Account
F Select New
F Type delete initial of Company
F Type the name of Company

Creating a LEDGER (APART from cash and bank a/c)
F Select Master
F Select chart of account
F Select general ledger
(Creation box will be appear)
F Select Add
F Type General ledger Code
For Eg. E001, I001
F Description: Name of Ledger
F Select Profit/Loss Account or Balance Sheet Type
F Cash/Bank Book � Yes
F It active only in balance sheet
F Type initial of Bank/Cash
F Cash or Bank code: Two digit only
F Minimum Balance:
F Alternate General ledger (G) code:
1 Save

Creating a ledger of cash a/c
F Select Master
F Select chart of account
F Select general ledger
(Creation box will be appear)
F Select Add
F Type General ledger Code
For Eg. E001, I001
F Description: Name of Ledger(cash a/c)
1 Balance Sheet Type
2 Choose cash and bank balance from b/l subgroup
3 Cash/Bank Book � Yes
4 Choose yes from cash book
F Type initial of Bank/Cash
F Cash or Bank code: Two digit only
F Minimum Balance:
F Alternate General ledger (G) code:
5 Save
Creating a ledger of bank a/c
F Select Master
F Select chart of account
F Select general ledger
(Creation box will be appear)
F Select Add
F Type General ledger Code
For Eg. E001, I001
F Description: Name of Ledger(Himalayan bank a/c)
F Balance Sheet Type
6 Cash/Bank Book � Yes
7 Choose no from cash book
F Type initial of Bank/Cash
F Cash or Bank code: Two digit only
F Minimum Balance:
F Alternate General ledger (G) code:
8 Save

To View General Leger
F Select Ledger Menu
F Select listing of Master
F Select general ledger code
9 O.K.

Entry of journal voucher
1. Click on journal of entry menu.
2. click on ledger
3. click on add tab
4. type the voucher no. narration, and date
5. click on gl code
6. press f1 select required debit ledger
7. type the debit amount
8. click on gl code of serial no2 select credit ledger
9. click on save.or press alt+s

Entry of receipt voucher
1. click on vouchers receipt/payment of entry menu
2. click on one dr/cr or many dr,cr
3. click on add tab
4. select default
5. choose required voucher type e.g receipt
6. type the voucher no. and date
7. click on gl code and select credit ledger
8. click on bank/cash box
9. select debit ledger
10.press enter type the amount
11.click on save

Entry of payment voucher
1. click on vouchers receipt/payment of entry menu
2. click on one dr/cr or many dr,cr
3. click on add tab
4. select default
5. choose required voucher type e.g payment
6. type the voucher no. and date
7. click on gl code and select debit ledger
8. click on bank/cash box
9. select credit ledger
10.press enter type the amount
11.click on save
Entry of contra voucher
1. click on vouchers receipt/payment of entry menu
2. click on one dr/cr
3. click on add tab
4. select default
5. choose voucher type payment
6. type the voucher no. and date
7. click on gl code and select contra ledger or type 1000
8. click on bank/cash box
9. select credit ledger
10.click on (to bank/cash) box select debit
11.press enter type the amount
12.click on save

Display of journal voucher
1. click on journal book of ledger menu
2. choose opening option option
3. define the date range
4. choose output eg. Text or graphic
5. click on ok.

Display of receipt voucher
1. click on cash bank reports of ledger menu
2. click on receipt register
3. Choose opening option e.g. include opening, exclude opening etc.
4. define the period
5. check or uncheck show details
6. choose sort by option
7. click on ok

Display of payment voucher
8. click on cash bank reports of ledger menu
9. click on payment register
10.choose opening option e.g. include opening, exclude opening etc.
11.define the period
12.check or uncheck show details
13.choose sort by option
14.click on ok

Display of ledger reports
15.click on general ledger of ledger menu
16.click on normal
17.define the period
18.choose required currency
19.check or uncheck running total, month total
20.choose output option
21.click on ok
Display of cash book and bank books
22.click on cash/ bank reports of ledger menu
23.click on books reconciliation
24.define the period
25.choose required currency
26.choose cash or bank option
27.choose output option
28.click on ok

Display of Trail balance
29.click on trail balance of ledger menu
30.click on normal or date to date or GroupWise
31.type the required date
32.check on closing stock
33.choose required currency
34.choose output option e.g. text or graphic
35.click on ok
Display of Profit and loss a/c
36.click on profit and loss a/c of ledger menu
37.click on complete
38.type the date
39.check uncheck show details
40.check on closing stock
41.choose currency option
42.choose output option
43.click on ok
44.click on yes of the message
Display of Balance sheet
45.click on balance sheet of ledger menu
46.click on complete
47.type the date
48.check uncheck show details
49.check on closing stock
50.choose currency option
51.choose output option
52.click on ok
53.click on yes of the message

Display of payment register
1. click on payment register of AR/AP menu
2. click on customer / vendor
3. choose opening option
4. define the period
5. click on show details
6. choose the output option
7. click on ok

Inventory voucher:
The voucher related to stock is called inventory voucher.
It is involved with product or stock item; there are four types of inventory voucher.
1. Purchase voucher.
2. Debit note on purchase return.
3. Sales voucher.
4. Sales returned on credit note.

1. Purchase voucher:
If we purchase good for resale (trading point of view) that voucher is called purchase voucher.
1. Purchase of following items on credit from xyz supplier for resale
Sony color TV 10 sets @ 20000
L.G color TV 20 sets @ 50000
Samsung color TV 20 sets @ 10000

Purchase a/c Dr
Sony COLOUR TV 10@20000=
LG COLOUR TV 10@50000 =
TO xyz supplier a/c

2. Debit Note on purchase return :
This voucher is use the time of purchase returned to the supplier whose entry is opposite of purchase voucher .
Purchase returned to the XYZ supplier of following items.
Sony color TV 2 sets @ 20000
LG color TV 2 sets@ 50000
Samsung color TV 2 sets @ 10000
xyz supplier a/c Dr.
To purchase returned a/c
Sony color TV 2 sets @ 20000
L.G color TV 2sets @ 50000
Samsung color tv 2 sets @ 40000

3. Sales voucher:
If we sell good for trading point of view ( which goods where purchased for Resale) that voucher is called sales voucher.

Sales of following items on credit to the ABC company.
Sony color tv 5 sets @ 25000
LG color tv 5 sets @55000
Samsung color tv 5 sets @ 15000

ABC company ��..Dr 47500
To sales a/c �������47500
Sony color tv 5 sets @ 25000=
LG color tv 5 sets @55000=
Samsung color tv 5 sets @ 15000=

4.sales returned or credit note:
This voucher is credited at the time of sales returned by the customer the voucher entry of sales returned is opposite entry of sales.
The following item one returned by ABC Company.
Sony color tv 1sets@25000
LG color TV 1sets @ 55000
Samsung color TV 1 set @ 15000

Sales returned A/C Dr 95000
Sony color tv 1sets@25000
LG color TV 1sets @ 55000
Samsung color TV 1 set @ 15000

To ABC company 95000


Here looking at the above transactions there are not only ledgers but also stock items ,stock group and sub group

Stock group : computer/television
Stock subgroup: computer/desktop/laptop
Stock subgroup: television/colour/b/w
Units of measure : sets
Stock items : sony,lg, ibm,tvm etc

Creating stock items
1. Create the ledger of purchase, sales, purchase return and sales return

1. Click on item product of master menu
2. Click on products
3. Click on add tab
4. Type the item code no. name of item in description box e.g. Sony, IBM, tvm etc.
5. Choose no from service item
6. Type the unit of stock items
7. Choose purchase, sales, purchase return and sales return from the related box
8. Click on save

Grouping of stock items
1. Click on item/product of master menu
2. Click on grouping
3. Click on insert
4. Type the name of group e.g. computer. TV
5. Click on save
6. Click on required group
7. Click on next
8. Click on insert
9. Type the name of subgroup
10. Click on save
11. Click on required subgroup
12. Click on next
13. Tag on required stock item
14. Click on save

Entry of purchase voucher
1. Click on purchase of entry menu
2. Click on invoice
3. Click on add tab
4. Click on default
5. Click on select
6. Type invoice no.
7. Goods received no.
8. Order no., party invoice no.
9. Choose cash a/c or vender name from vender box.(press enter for cash purchase or press f1 to select vender name
10. click on product box.
11. Press f1
12. Select required product
13. Type quantity and rate
14. Use this process for another item
15. Click on save

Entry of sales voucher
16. Click on sales of entry menu
17. Click on invoice
18. Click on add tab
19. Click on default
20. Click on select
21. Type invoice no.
22. Goods received no.
23. Order no., party invoice no.
24. Choose cash a/c or customer name from customer box(press enter for cash sales or press f1 to select customer)
25. Click on product box.
26. Press f1
27. Select required product
28. Type quantity and rate
29. Use this process for another item
30. Click on save

Entry of purchase return (debit note)
31. Click on purchase of entry menu
32. Click on return tab
33. Click on add tab
34. Click on debit note no.
35. Type ref. inv no.
36. Choose cash a/c or supplier name from vender box.
37. Click on product in invoice box.
38. Select required item
39. Type the quantity
40. Click on save

Entry of sales return (credit note)
41. Click on sales of entry menu
42. Click on return tab
43. Click on add tab
44. Type sales return no.
45. Type the date
46. Choose ref. inv no.
47. Choose cash a/c or customer a/c from customer box.
48. Click on product on invoice box.
49. Press f1 and select required item
50. Type the quantity
51. click on save

For Opening Balance of General Ledger
F Select Master
F Select Opening Balance
F Select General Ledger
F Plus (+) in Asset side & Minus (-) in Liabilities
F Save

Creation of Salesman or Agent
F Select Master
F Select Salesman/Agent
F Select Add
F Type Code number
F Type name of Agent, Address, Postal Codes Commission Percent
F Save
To View
F Select AR/AP
F Select Listing of Master
F Select Salesman/Agent

Process of VAT (Purchase case)
1. Create the ledger of vat
2. Click on preferences of account menu
3. Click on system control
4. Click on purchase tab
5. Click on invoice terms
6. Click on add
7. Type the code no.
8. Description: vat
9. Click ledger code
10. Choose (+) plus sign
11. Choose none from category
12. Click on save

Process of VAT (sales case)
1. Click the ledger of VAT(B/S,current liablities)
2. Click on preferences of Account menu
3. Click on system control
4. Click on sales tab
5. Click on invoice terms
6. Click on Add
7. Type the code no.
8. Description: VAT
9. Click ledger code
10. Choose (+) plus sign
11. Choose none from category
12. Click on save

Process of discount case
1. Create the ledger of discount receipt(other income)/discount given(other exp) accordingly
2. Click on preferences of Account menu
3. Click on system control
4. Click on Purchases tab
5. Click on invoice terms
6. Click on Add tab
7. Description: discount
8. Click the ledger code
9. Discount received � in case of purchase
10. Discount given � in case of sale
11. Click on save

Entry of purchase voucher having VAT and Discount

1. Click on purchase of Entry menu
2. Click on invoice
3. Click on Add tab
4. Select Default
5. Click on select
6. Type the inv no.,GRN no.
7. Type vendor/customer
8. Select required item, type qty and rate
9. Click on terms
10. Select VAT or discount ledger accordingly
11. Type percentage or amount
12. Click on ok
13. Click on save

Entry of sales voucher having Vat and discount
1. Click on sales of Entry menu
2. Click on invoice
3. Click on Add tab
4. Select default
5. Click on select
6. Type invoice no.,GRN no.
7. Type vendor/customer
8. Select required item, type qty and rate
9. Click on terms
10. Select VAT or Discount ledger accordingly
11. Type percentage or amount
12. Click on ok
13. Click on save

Creating Vendor/customer
1. Click on vendor/customer of Master Menu
2. Click on customer or vendor
3. Click on Add tab
4. Type code no.
5. Type all details of customer/vendor
6. Click on save

Display of stock position
1. Click on Material In/Out of Inventory menu
2. Click on Products or Stock ledger
3. Define the period and output option
4. Click on ok
5. Tag the required item
6. Click on ok

Display of customer/vendor Query
1. Click on Query of AR/AP menu
2. Click on customer/vendor as required

Display of purchase register (Order,D/O,Invoice)
1. Click on Purchase register of AR/AP menu
2. Click on required category
3. Click on invoice
4. Choose opening option
5. Define the period
6. Check or uncheck show details, total quantity
7. Choose product option
8. Choose cash or credit or both
9. Choose output option eg. Text or graphics mode
10. Choose output to option eg. Print previews, word, excel etc
11. Click on ok

Display of sales register
1. Click on sales register of AR/EP menu
2. Click on required option e.g. Invoice
3. Click on invoice
4. Choose opening option
5. Define the period
6. Check or uncheck show details, total quantity
7. Choose product option
8. Choose cash or credit or both
9. Choose output option eg. Text or Graphics mode
10. Choose output to option eg. Print previews, word, excel, etc
11. Click on ok

Entry of payment to the supplier
1. Click on voucher receipt/payment of Entry menu
2. Click on vendor
3. Click on Add tab
4. Choose payment or receipt
5. Type voucher no.
6. Choose credit ledger from the bank/cash a/c
7. Choose vendor name from the vendor option
8. Choose bank charge if you select bank a/c
9. Click on document no.
10. Select the invoice no.
11. Click on save

Entry of receipt from customer
1. Click on voucher receipt/payment of Entry menu
2. Click on customer
3. Click on Add tab
4. Choose receipt
5. Type voucher no.
6. Choose debit ledger from the bank/cash option
7. Choose customer name from the customer option
8. Type the amount
9. Click on document no. from the document no. option
10. Click on save

Display of receipt register
1. Click on receipt register of AR/AP menu
2. Click on customer/vendor
3. Choose opening option
4. Define the period
5. Click on show details
6. Choose the output option
7. Click on ok

Display of payment register
Party journal
it is used at the time of payment from receivable to payable.
1. Click on journal of Entry menu
2. Click on party journal
3. Click on Add tab
4. Type voucher no., date and amount
5. Click on debit option, choose receivable
6. Click on credit option, choose giver
7. Define the description
8. Click on save

Display of VAT reports
1. Click on Nepal VAT reports of AR/AP menu
2. Click on required document type eg. VAT purchase register, VAT sales register, VAT debit register, VAT credit register
3. Define the date
4. Choose VAT register from term code
5. Choose output option and output to option
6. Click on ok

Backup of company data
1. Click on backup of Housekeep menu
2. Click on To option
3. Press F1, select required drive
4. Click on required folder
5. Click on select
6. Click on password code
7. Type the password
8. Click on start
9. Click on ok

Restore of backup data
1. Open a new company.
2. Click on data restoration of Housekeep menu
3. Click on restore from and choose required source
4. Click on backup
5. Click on ok
6. Click on restore
7. Type the password
8. Click on restart

Creation of salesman or Agent
1. Click on salesman/agent of Master Menu
2. Click on Add tab
3. Type the agent name and other details
4. Type the commission of agent
5. Click on save

Display of salesman/agent commission
1. Click on MIS report of Master menu
2. Click on salesman/agent statement
3. Define the period
4. Choose For option
5. Choose Report on option
6. Choose salesman option
7. Click on ok
8. Check on required agent name
9. Click on ok

Display of purchase analysis
1. Click on MIS report of AR/AP menu
2. Click on Analysis purchase
3. Define the period, sorted by option, choose purchase agent option
4. Check/uncheck show details, invoice details, include returns; choose output option, output to option
5. Click on ok

Display of sales Analysis
1. Click on MIS report of AR/AP menu
2. Click on Analysis-sales
3. Define the period, sorted by option, choose sales agent option
4. Check/uncheck show details, invoice details, include returns; choose output option, output to option
5. Click on ok

Display of Top customers by Sale value

1. Click on MIS report of AR/AP menu
2. Click on Top customer by Sale value
3. Define period
4. Define amount criteria
5. Check/uncheck show details, invoice detail
6. Choose include or exclude cash sales
7. Check/uncheck include returns
8. Click on ok

Display of Top Vendor by Purchase value
1. Click on MIS report of AR/AP menu
2. Click on Top vendor by sale value
3. Define the period
4. Define amount criteria
5. Check/uncheck show details invoice detail
6. Choose include or exclude cash sales
7. Check/uncheck include return
8 Click on ok

Display of Purchase order position
1. Click on MIS report of AR/AP menu
2. Click on Purchase order position
3. Choose opening option, date range, report option
4. Choose output option
5. Click on ok

Display of Sales order position
1. Click on MIS report of AR/AP menu
2. Click on Sales order position
3. Choose opening option, date range, report option
4. Choose output option
5. Click on ok

Display of Revenue Expenditure Graph
1. Click on MIS Reports of AR/AP menu
2. Click on Revenue Expenditure Graph
3. Select required month, select required group
4. Choose Report on option
5. Choose Graph type
6. Click on ok
7. Tag on required PL group
8. Click on ok

Setting of credit limit to the customer
1. Click on Vendors/Customers of Master Menu
2. Click on customer
3. Click on Add or Modify
4. Choose customer credit control option
5. Type credit days and limit value
6. Click on save

Voucher entry of sales to the customer having credit limit
1. Click on sales of Entry menu
2. Click on Invoice
3. Click on Add or Modify
4. Choose required customer from the customer option
5. Select required product
6. Type quantity and rate

We cannot save our entry until and unless amount is greater than the credit limit value and the transaction must be greater than credit limit value.

Creating Templates of vouchers
1. Click on Templates of Master menu
2. Click on required voucher types eg. One dr/cr
3. Click on Add tab
4. Type the template name eg. Payment
5. Choose payment / receipt from pay / receipt option
6. Choose debit ledger from the A/C option
7. Choose credit ledger from the cash / bank option
8. Type the narration and amount
9. Save the voucher

Voucher Entry using Templates
1. Click on voucher receipt / payment, click on required voucher type
2. Click on Templates tab
3. Choose templates name
4. Click on ok
5. Type voucher no. and save the data

Setting of Interest rate to the customer / General ledger / Vendor
1. Click on Interest rates of Master menu
2. Click on required option eg. Customer
3. Click on required customer name
4. Type the interest rate, compounding start and compounding option i.e Yearly
5. Click on save

Display of Interest Calculation
1. Click on Special Reports of AR/AP menu
2. Click on Interest sales invoice
3. Choose opening option, date range and output option
4. Click on ok
5. Tag on required customer name
6. Click on ok

Display of Due Date � Sale Invoice
1. Click on MIS Reports of AR/AP menu
2. Click on Due Date � Sale Invoice of MIS Report
3. Choose opening option, date range, only overdues
4. Choose output option
5. Click on ok
6. Tag on required party name
7. Click on ok

Display of Due Date � Purchase Invoice
1. Click on MIS Reports of AR/AP menu
2. Click on Due Date � Purchase Invoice of MIS Report
3. Choose opening option, date range, only overdue
4. Choose output option
5. Click on ok
6. Tag on required party name
7. Click on ok

Display of Analysis � Sales (Top �N� Customer)

1. Click on MIS Reports of AR/AP menu
2. Click on Analysis � Sales of MIS Report eg. Analysis � Sales (Top �N� Customer)
3. Define the period
4. Choose cash sales option, sorting order, sorted on option, Graph option, output option
5. Click on ok

Creating Document class (Sub ledger)
1. Click on Document class of Master menu
2. Click on code
3. Click on Add tab
4. Click on required class code
5. Click on required segment eg. Type the code name
6. Type the description
7. Click on save

Entry of Voucher having Document class
1. Click on voucher Receipt / Payment
2. Click on Many Dr / Cr
3. Click on Add tab
4. Choose required voucher type
5. Choose debit ledger if voucher receipt or credit ledger if voucher payment
6. Click on GL code, select required ledger
7. Click on Document class, select required ledger
8. Type the amount
9. Repeat same process for other sub ledger
10. Click on save

Display of Document class report
1. Click on General ledger
2. Click on normal
3. Define the period; choose currency option, output option
4. Click on Filter
5. Click on required sub ledger
6. Click on ok
7. Choose required ledger
8. Click on ok

Cost Centre
In the Fact Program, the concept of cost centre is not similar as Tally. Here, cost centre means departme

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